Become a Crusader Associate

What is a Crusader Associate?

Crusader Associates continue to support the work of Urban Saints through the lens of Crusaders.

From 1906 to 2006 Urban Saints was known as Crusaders. The number of young people reached through Crusaders and Urban Saints over more than 100 years is a figure known only to the Lord but it must be phenomenal. So many people received their first grounding of faith through a Crusader Group or holiday. They subsequently have a deep affection for the movement and are integral to our influence as a ministry. They have now become Crusader Associates as they continue to support the work of Urban Saints through the lens of Crusaders.

Many of our Crusader Associates have been Leaders themselves in the past and feel God is now calling them to move onto something new. When Crusaders changed its name to Urban Saints in 2007, our Associates still wanted to be known as Crusader Associates and, as we deeply value the opinion of our Associates, the name has been retained.

Judges 2:10 says, “After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel”. It is our passionate desire that children and young people in this generation continue to hear the message of the Gospel. The support of our Associates is a vital resource which helps us to be able to do that.

What Will Be Expected Of Me?

We value your prayer most of all as we believe nothing can be achieved without a faithful prayer support base but we also need financial support for the ongoing ministry. We therefore ask all Associates to give an annual subscription of just £25 although, should you be in a position to give more, then we would really encourage you to do so. If you are able to give this through direct debit, it helps us plan intelligently. If however, you are not able to support financially at this time, then we are happy to waive this subscription in recognition of service given to the movement in the past.

What Benefits Will I Receive?

• A biannual magazine ‘Associate News’ specifically for Associates
• Pray4Change prayer diary (if requested)


Email Jo Slater if you would like to become an Associate: